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Libbe Open System

LIBBE (Lower Intestinal Bottom Bowel Evacuation)
This is the finest, state of the art equipment on the market!

Hydrotherapies Plus only uses the “OPEN” LIBBE System

* The LIBBE is FDA Approved
* Gravity Fed = SAFE!
* Ultra-Violet Water Filter/Purification
* Automatic Temperature Shutoff
* Odorless Vent System
* Therapist assisted or operated in privacy for those who prefer solitude

Colonic Equipment Types: Open System -vs- Closed System
There are basically two different types of equipment available for administering colonics, open systems and closed systems. There are many different manufacturers of colonic equipment, but all systems are either open or closed. Before deciding to have a colonic it is helpful to understand the basic differences between the two equipment types.

Open Colonic System:
Hydrotherapies Plus uses an open system called a LIBBE. The open system is very gentle and is usually the better choice for clients who have any type of bowel disease. The open system is generally regarded as more comfortable and private than conventional closed systems. Unlike closed systems in which the water is pressurized, the LIBBE system is a safe and gentle gravity-fed system complete with ultra-violet water filter/purification, odorless venting and automatic water temperature control. After receiving your initial guidance to use the LIBBE system, you, the client, are in control of your experience and given the option of privacy.

For further details, view the animated Open Colonic System video:

Closed Colonic System:
Conventional closed systems require a therapist to insert a speculum into the client’s rectum and then attach a disposable hose. A pressurized stream of water is then delivered through the attached hose. When the colon is filled & pressure reaches maximum levels the therapist manually drains the colon back through the hose. Water pressure within the colon must be monitored constantly to avoid leakage requiring the constant attention of the therapist. A closed system is a better choice for clients who have spinal injuries or other conditions causing a loss of the anal sphincter muscle. Hydrotherapies Plus only uses the open system and does not have a closed system.

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