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Client Reviews

I am fortunate that my clients trust me and love the results of Colonics. Here are a few of their stories. 

If you’ve experienced Hydrotherapies Plus, please feel free to share your story of health. Go here if you want to know how to leave a review on various sites.

Colon cleansing and hydrotherapy have profoundly improved my life. Alice has always been friendly, helpful, professional, compassionate, and is very committed to others. I highly recommend Alice to anyone considering colon hydrotherapy. The benefits have been way beyond my expectations. She is an exceptional practitioner. Thank you, Alice, for being there for me!

Alice at HydroTherapies Plus has given me my life back! Several years ago I became extremely ill after suffering a life long battle with colon health issues. I have seen specialists of every kind, been on drugs of all sorts, and missed many events due to my illness. Doctor’s called it IBS or nervous colon. They would put me on another “new” drug which would sometimes help for a short period of time, but my symptoms always seemed to return. I sought alternative health care treatments after being told that there was nothing more my medical doctors could do for me. I was introduced to colon therapy through a naturopathic doctor. The system was a “closed” system and it certainly helped some. But after moving I was in need of a new therapist which is how I found Alice. The very first phone conversation I had with her was amazing. I had never had anyone including doctors, ever listen to my problems, know what I was talking about, and seemingly have the solutions. She quickly explained the differences between an “open” and “closed” system, and what to expect from my first appointment. Walking into her office I instantly felt at ease. It is clean, comfortable, and private. The results I had with an open system from the VERY FIRST session were outstanding! Alice then began to work with me on diet and supplements. She helped me identify food allergies, hidden toxins, and other health issues ALL those doctors missed. I am a brand new healthy person. I have worked with other colon therapists before, but NO ONE has ever been able to create the results that she has. I cannot recommend Alice highly enough. If you are thinking about trying colon hydrotherapy, or have health issues that can’t seemed to be solved, THIS is the place to start. Alice changed my life!

My journey into colonics has introduced me to various colonic systems. After receiving nearly 100 treatments over the past 5 years, my preferred system is the Libbe. It is private and comfortable. Alice Bachner is the reason I am willing to travel 30 minutes to a session. She always delivers above and beyond the other practitioners I have been to.”

When I first considered including colonics as part of my overall fitness and health program, I was somewhat apprehensive about discussing my “bathroom” habits with anyone. I found Alice to be very comfortable talking about a subject that quite frankly makes most people decidedly uncomfortable. Her professional, yet warm manner made it very easy to come to terms with the health of my colon. As far as how colon hydrotherapy has made me feel physically, I couldn’t have been more surprised! After about 3 sessions, I began to feel very “light”. I didn’t realize how heavy and “bogged down” I had become. I actually felt years younger!

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Alice Bachner. I have been suffering from chronic constipation nearly all of my life and was searching for someone who could help relieve this toxic and uncomfortable condition. I also suffer from a weak immune system due to a thyroid illness. Last year while browsing online I discovered HydroTherapies Plus. I started my treatments once a week at first, and then continued on a monthly basis. The results are amazing. I always feel great after each session because it provides me with a sense of wellbeing and regeneration. It is like being a new person each time you allow your colon to detoxify. Alice is also an excellent advisor for all kinds of alternative treatments and diets. Over the years of treating people and talking with them, she has accumulated a wide range of knowledge about herbal formulas, mineral supplements, probiotic intake, and specific diets to tackle Candida. Another remarkable quality in Alice is that she will try to help as much as she can, and will provide the most updated information regarding new therapies. She enjoys sharing new medical discoveries with her patients. I truly love Alice as my colon therapist because she has all the qualities required to be a good care giver: a nurturing mind, generosity, intelligence and in depth knowledge of natural health.

I have been a client at HydroTherapies Plus for eight months and have seen great improvement in my digestive system function and health. I suffer from IBS, and colon therapy is a life saver for me. The open system used at HTP is very gentle, and I prefer it to a closed system. As a weight lifter I need to keep my body clean and toxin free. I am also a body combat instructor and I need to feel energized and be at my best physically. Colon hydrotherapy helps me to achieve these goals. I would describe the facilities as immaculately clean, peaceful, and safe. I am in good hands with Alice, and feel confident in the results of my sessions. Finding HydroTherapies Plus has saved me from pain and fatigue! What a blessing, thank you Alice!

My experiences with HydroTherapies Plus have been great. Alice helped me feel confident with my first liver/gallbladder flush and it was a huge success. She encouraged me to continue even when I was discouraged. Now I have completed 5 flushes while using her services. She is extremely knowledgeable regarding colon cleansing and has a vast array of knowledge regarding health in general. Thank you, Alice, for your services and your guidance. Many blessings to you, Alice.

I have been working as a licensed massage therapist for the past 12 years. During this time I was exposed to many environmental pollutants. My body had become exhausted and hypersensitive to allergens. I was very constipated and lacked an ability to focus. In a vigorous attempt to find a solution for better health I traveled many different paths. Eventually I was drawn to HydroTherapies Plus. Alice was warm, nurturing, and her wealth of knowledge made me feel very comfortable and confident. Cleansing my digestive system restored my sense of well being and balance. My colon started working properly again, and as a result my allergies improved. After an initial series I decided to return once a month. I feel great now and will continue on a monthly maintenance program. Thank you for returning me to good health.

After receiving colonics for over 4 years, I can’t be enthusiastic enough! They energize and hydrate me, and leave me feeling lighter from releasing the accumulated toxins. The open system used by HydroTherapies Plus simply has no drawbacks. You’re an active participant in the treatment, even strengthening the colon muscle in the process. In these days of expense reductions I would more easily eliminate my cable TV than my colonic treatments.

I started working with HydroTherapies Plus over 5 years ago. I have regularly visited Alice every 3 weeks since that time. I myself graduated from the Santa Fe School of Naturopathy and have given hundreds of colonics with a closed system. Alice’s equipment is an open system which I believe is more efficient, patient friendly, sanitary and overall much more effective.

When I started, I hadn’t been doing colonics for quite some time. I had a colonoscopy and was diagnosed with beginning stages of diverticulitis and polyps. For three months I had soreness in my descending colon. After continuous colonics this soreness diminished and ultimately went away entirely. I have had no symptoms of diverticulitis returning.

I am also certain that the reason I have been able to weather these turbulent times is due largely to the regular colonics I have taken advantage of with HydroTherapies Plus. Allergies, sinus and hay fever were a constant part of my life and those around me. Since working with Alice, I have had no respiratory problems or sensitivity to pollens and environmental pollutants.