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Colon Hydrotherapy is referred to as colon irrigation, colonics, colon therapy or high enemas. Colon Hydrotherapy is clean & relaxing. A soothing flow of filtered, temperature controlled water gently circulates throughout the colon, coaxing your body to release the accumulated toxins & waste.

Colonics offer relief from a variety of problems by cleansing the colon of impacted & putrefactive fecal matter. Constipation, fatigue, gas, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands & feet, lethargy & chronic diarrhea are among a few of the problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing. Your sense of well-being is often dramatically improved with colon irrigation.

You feel lighter & more energetic. The body can again assimilate food & better defend itself against disease. Natural peristalsis, tone & regularity are restored & many serious diseases may be averted through this gentle, sterile, scientific technique. Colonics are a key factor in reestablishing the body’s natural balance & restoring good health.

After a detailed demonstration of how the equipment works, you are left alone to undress from the waste down & position yourself on the unit. Then you gently & easily insert a small disposable rectal tube into the rectum & drape yourself with a towel. The therapist then enters the room & starts a gentle, temperature controlled flow of water into your colon. When you feel the need to release you simply push out & the rectal tube will move to one side within the rectum & allow the softened fecal matter to flow out. The release then passes through a drain in the base of the unit & past a three inch wide clear viewing tube. An odor exhaust system insures the room remains odor free. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes with the client’s modesty protected at all times.

Libbe Open System

LIBBE (Lower Intestinal Bottom Bowel Evacuation)

This is the finest, state of the art equipment on the market. Hydrotherapies Plus only uses the “OPEN” LIBBE System

* The LIBBE is FDA Approved

* Gravity Fed = SAFE!

* Ultra-Violet Water Filter/Purification

* Automatic Temperature Shutoff

* Odorless Vent System

* Therapist assisted or operated in privacy for those who prefer solitude

Colonic Equipment Types: Open System -vs- Closed System

There are basically two different types of equipment available for administering colonics, open systems and closed systems. There are many different manufacturers of colonic equipment, but all systems are either open or closed. Before deciding to have a colonic it is helpful to understand the basic differences between the two equipment types.

Open Colonic System

Hydrotherapies Plus uses an open system called a LIBBE. The open system is very gentle and is usually the better choice for clients who have any type of bowel disease. The open system is generally regarded as more comfortable and private than conventional closed systems. Unlike closed systems in which the water is pressurized, the LIBBE system is a safe and gentle gravity-fed system complete with ultra-violet water filter/purification, odorless venting and automatic water temperature control. After receiving your initial guidance to use the LIBBE system, you, the client, are in control of your experience and given the option of privacy.

Closed Colonic System

Conventional closed systems require a therapist to insert a speculum into the client’s rectum and then attach a disposable hose. A pressurized stream of water is then delivered through the attached hose. When the colon is filled & pressure reaches maximum levels the therapist manually drains the colon back through the hose. Water pressure & temperature within the colon must be monitored constantly to avoid leakage or perforation, requiring the constant attention of the therapist. A closed system is a better choice for clients who have spinal injuries or other conditions causing a loss of the anal sphincter muscle. Hydrotherapies Plus only uses the open system and does not have a closed system.

Parasites are hard to detect & can be difficult to get rid of. It is estimated that greater than 85% of the population has parasites. However, if you were to be tested by a doctor for parasites, chances are the results would be negative. The reason for this is that tests only exist for about 5% of the known types of parasites & the tests only catch about 1 in 5 actual cases. So why is it that so many people end up with parasites? When your system is toxic it becomes the perfect host. Junk food, air pollution, medications & stress can contribute to altered pH levels & lack of beneficial bacteria, creating a comfortable environment for parasites. Parasites then produce their own toxic waste, overwhelming the body’s cleansing systems. This can weaken the immune system & cause a lack of energy for normal activities. The first step in eliminating these unwelcome guests is to begin to clean up the terrain. Colon hydrotherapy, in combination with supplementation of beneficial bacteria and anti-parasitic herbs, is a great place to start. Eliminating parasites will take some time & dedication. The objective is to restore the bowel’s normal pH level, which is slightly acidic & create a balanced, healthy environment in which parasites are unable to live.

It is generally accepted that problems associated with diverticulitis are rooted in today’s common diet. Most diets consist of highly refined & processed foods that have a tendency to ‘slow the flow’. For our bodies to operate optimally a crucial factor is transit time, the time that lapses between eating food & the elimination of it’s waste products. If transit time is prolonged, harmful toxins will form. If fecal matter is not successfully evacuated, the remnants collect & harden on the walls of the colon.

Over a period of time the insider diameter of the colon becomes smaller. Greater effort is required by the colon’s circular muscles to move this compacted waste material. This internal pressure causes small packets called diverticula to develop along the colon. When these pockets become inflamed & infected the condition is called diverticulitis. About half of all people over the age of 60 have this condition. Diverticulitis is extremely painful & requires emergency medical treatment when complications such as perforations, tears, blockages or bleeding occur.

The best way to prevent this condition is to eat a high fiber diet, drink plenty of water & maintain a healthy functioning colon. If you already have this condition, colon hydrotherapy is advised only when the colon is not currently infected or inflamed.

The term ‘hemorrhoids’ refers to a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are inflamed & swollen. Hemorrhoids generally result from straining to move stool & can be caused by chronic constipation or diarrhea. Basically, there are two kinds of hemorrhoids, internal & external. According to some authorities, one third of all adults have hemorrhoids & in many cases are unaware of having them. They are very common in both men & women, & about half of the population will have hemorrhoids by the age of 50.

A dry, hard, compacted stool causes considerable straining for evacuation, leading to increased pressure in the veins, resulting in a ballooning out & breakdown of the vein wall. The standard american diet (SAD), is one of the greatest contributing factors. The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to maintain a healthy colon & keep stools soft so they pass effortlessly. Exercise, including walking, a high fiber diet & drinking plenty of water helps reduce constipation & straining by producing stools that are easier to pass.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (IBS), is a puzzling digestive disorder in that there are no physical signs of disease in the bowel tissue. This makes it difficult to determine the causes of the disease even though the symptoms are many & varied. They include alternating constipation/diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, bloating & intolerance to certain foods.

People with IBS often have difficulty eating because digestion evokes adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, headaches & pain. This in itself can result in malnutrition. Further complicating matters is the fact that nutrients are not properly absorbed & those that are can quickly be depleted by diarrhea.

Some scientists believe that a virus or bacterium may play a role in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Others feel that a stressful lifestyle contributes to the condition as well as the overuse of antibiotics or laxatives. This may explain why IBS is the most common digestive disorder seen by physicians with one out of every five adults having symtoms.

Constipation is one of the first signs indicating to us that our bowels are not functioning properly. Constipation especially plagues those engaged in secondary occupations, those who have poor eating habits & those not drinking sufficient water.

When a person is constipated, the walls of the colon are often impacted with accumulated fecal matter. The inner diameter of the colon is reduced like a water pipe with a buildup of mineral deposits. Eventually the opening becomes narrower, making it more difficult for waste to pass.

Waste from the blood, which should normally be drawn into the colon through the colon walls, is reabsorbed by the body along with other toxins resulting from the fermentation & putrefaction of incompletely digested food. Subsequently, intestinal stasis often follows which occurs when the muscular contractions, known as peristalsis, can no longer sweep the hardened feces along the digestive canal.

A person can have several bowel movements a day & still be constipated. This is because movements are usually smaller & occur more frequently increasing the frequency of peristalsis, (wave action), to allow the waste to exit the body. Taken to it’s limit, the effect can be diarrhea, which occurs when the large intestine hastens evacuation to the point where the bowel doesn’t have time to remove the water & consolidate the waste into solid stool.

One of the functions of the first half of the colon is to gather the intestinal flora needed for the colon. When the accumulation of feces in the bowel leads to fecal encrustation, it is difficult for the colon to function normally & the glands in this lining cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora.

The resulting lack of lubrication intensifies a state of constipation & generates toxemia. This upsets the normal acid-alkaline balance & the growth of the friendly bacteria is stunted. Cleansing the colon will help bring the acid-alkaline ratio back into balance. In this environment, the friendly bacteria will again thrive & disease causing bacteria will find it difficult to develop. Clients are advised to take oral pro-biotics while colon cleansing to assist in reestablishing colonies of beneficial bacteria throughout the intestines.

The number of treatments will vary with the individual & their condition. Though individual colonics have their benefits, it should be understood that colonics taken in sequence have a cumulative effect towards improved health. Unless we are addressing a specific colon disease or condition, a series of 10-15 colonics will usually restore good colon health. A general recommendation is to do a colonic once a week until your objectives are realized.

Each client is encouraged to progress at the rate they are most comfortable with. Good results can be achieved whether therapy is pursued aggressively or at a more casual pace. Colon hydrotherapy is most effective when done in combination with a proper diet, exercise & rest. For maintenance purposes, the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT) recommends doing 10 colonics every year.

The colon is a tube approximately five feet long & 2 1/2 inches in diameter. A healthy colon has uniform size & tone. It extends from the cecum, where it joins the small intestine, up & across the abdominal cavity & down the left side of the body until it reaches the sigmoid & rectum. The three main functions of the colon are: the final digestion of food, the elimination of digestive residue & the discharge of toxins & wastes from the body.

We experience better health & well-being when the colon is clean & functioning normally. When the colon is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system & pollute the inner environment. This is called autointoxication, which literally means ‘self-poisoning’. All of the body’s tissues are effected by the autointoxication. There are many contributing factors to autointoxication. A toxic bowel, improper diet, insufficient excercise, stress, overeating & ignoring the ‘call for nature’ can all lead to bowel problems. Autointoxication can be a causative factor in numerous serious diseases & is considered by many to be the underlying cause of disease. The colon is the largest perpetrator of disease of any organ in the body & is said to be the initiator of 80% of all critical illness.

There are no side effects! However, it is not uncommon for some people to start to feel like they have a cold or the flu after a colonic. Toxins that have been lying dormant in the colon are now being flushed out & a small amount may be re-absorbed into the body’s system. Drinking plenty of water helps this healing crisis pass quickly & the person will realize an improved sense of well-being with further treatments.